1901 - 1937
Over a period of over 80 years the number of newspaper wrappers used by W H Smith runs into many millions. Today there are few about and very difficult to obtain. Most of the wrappers used by W H
were precancelled by the Post Office to enable the company to take the
wrapped newspapers directly to various railway stations to catch the
(please note that the images on this page have been scanned at different percentages) |
addressed to The Grande
Duchess Anastasie of Mecklenberg, Gelbensaude, Mecklenberg, Germany
undated 1902 design wrapper produced for
W H Smith.
Cancelled with the Foreign Section "M"
obliterator, this cancel was in use from 1905 till 1911
This example is incomplete. It is 128mm
wide and has all corners cut square
addressed to R M Campbell,
Silverhaw, Grasmere
undated 1½d Newspaper Wrapper
126mm wide (incomplete)
This type of NPB cancel was in use from
approx 1899 till 1905
addressed to Fraulein E
Staines, Goldener Schlussel, Karlsbad, Bohemia
circa 1905, 1½d wrapper, 256mm
addressed to Neumanns Borsen Nachrichten, pur Dr M
Handle, Schadowstrasse 10, Berlin N W
Postmarked 15 April 1905 London FS??, compound franking 3d + ½d,
205 mm wide (incomplete)
addressed to Prof K E
Steinwiesstrasse 18, Zurich V, Switzerland
1903 4d wrapper with a district office
Unusual to have this type of cancel on
a W H Smith wrapper going abroad.
addressed to Mr Chaplin,
The Terrace, Glandore, Leap, Co Cork, Ireland
1903 ½d wrapper cancelled using
a W H Smith precanceller.
The wrapper is 127mm x 255mm with
square cut corners
addressed to Lt Col Warde
Aldam, 2/20 London Regt, B E Force
1918 or 1919 1d wrapper
259mm wide x 319mm deep, square cut corners
cancelled with F.S.47 canceller
addressed to Lt Col Warde
Aldam, 2-20 London Regt, 60 Div, B E F, France
c1919 1½d wrapper 371mm wide x
301 deep
cancelled FS
addressed to Lt Col Warde
Aldam, 2/20 London Regt, 60 Div, B E F, France
used c1919 2d wrapper 251mm wide
cancelled FS
addressed to Rev A F
Principal, S.P.G. College, Trichinopoly, S India
used 1920 wrapper, 2d, 197mm wide, with
Teppakulam transit handstamp
addressed to Brig - Gen
Viscount Hamden, 185 Inf Brig, B E F
used 1919 2½d wrapper 256mm wide
cancelled LONDON F S 47 1 FE 19
addressed to Lt Col Warde
Aldam, 2-20 London Regt, B E F
used c1919 3d wrapper 248mm wide
cancelled FS
1920 4d newspaper wrapper
The wrapper from this point have a
address which reads
Strand House, London W.C.2
addressed to Rev H P
Hotel Nizza, Wiesbaden, Germany
1922 ½d newspaper wrapper.
127mm x 251mm with square cut corners.
The additional ½d stamp has a WHS
Two different cancellations have been
used on this wrapper
addressed to R M Cronk
Cedar Falls, Washington, USA
1922 1d newspaper wrapper
126mm x 255mm with square cut corners
c1920 1d newspaper wrapper
191mm x 258 mm with square cut corners
addressed to Mrs G
Berlin W 15, Duisbergerstrasse 18, Germany
Undated 1½d newspaper wrapper
190 mm wide (incomplete wrapper) square
cut corners
addressed to Mrs Hill,
House, North Newbald, Yorkshire
This 1½d wrapper is 190mm wide
1½d wrapper, 251mm x 320mm
addressed to The
Chalets, Seeburg, Lucerne, Switzerland
1937 wrapper 2½d + 2½d
+ 2d stamp
The stamp has a W H S perfin, two
cancels have been used S.47 and S.48
3d wrapper, 254mm x 385mm
4d + ½d wrapper, 255mm x 385mm
6d wrapper, 256mm x 385mm
6d wrapper, 342mm x 292mm
More about W H Smith
C A Malcolm wrappers from 1902
1937 - 196?
Jan Kosniowski
31 December 2003