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Stamped to Order GB Newspaper Wrappers

Stamped to Order wrappers were available for use, in the UK, from 1855. The stamping was done at Somerset House on paper supplied by the customer. A notice, giving details that this service was available, was issued on 8 October 1855.

Crosse & Blackwell newspaper wraper
Crosse & Blackwell's newspaper wrapper c 1900
addressed to Messrs Sturt Ogilvie & Co, Suva, Fiji

Numerous businesses availed themselves of this facility and produced their own printed to private order newspaper wrappers. The majority of these are easy to recognise because the size and/or the paper is different from the Post Office issues.

Since anybody could use this service, there are many items on the market today which were ordered by private individuals to produce "philatelic" wrappers etc.

1912 Newspaper wrapper for The Royal Automobile Club Journal

The following is a list, of stamped to order newspaper wrappers, based on wrappers that are in my collection or items that I have seen to date.
A G Thomson & Co Limited
The Alliance News

The Alliance News and Temperance Reformer
The American Investment Trust Company Limited
A & N C S Ltd
Anchor Line
The Athenaeum
Automobile Club Journal
Bible and Prayer Union
Borries, Craig & Co
The Bradford Observer
Bristol Mercury
The Buenos Ayres & Rosario Railway Co Ltd
Bullard, King & Co
Burroughs Wellcome & Co
Cambridge University Local Examinations and Lectures
Central Argentine Railway Co Ltd
Central London Railway
Chas & Thos Harris & Co Ltd
The Chemical Trade Journal and Chemical Engineer
The Chemist and Druggist
The City Soap Works
Clews, Habicht & Co
Country Life
Crocdon & Co
Crosse & Blackwell
Crowden & Garrod
Crown Reef Gold Mining Company Limited
Daily Express
The Daily Graphic
Daily Mail
The Daily News & Leader
The Daily Telegraph
Dalton & Young
David Smith & Co
Davies & Coe
Debenham & Company
E Lazenby & Son
E Marlborough & Co
East and West India Dock Co
East London Church Fund Report
The Eastern Telegraph Company Limited
The Effective Advertiser
The Engineer
The Evening Standard
Export Mail
Faudel, Phillips & Sons
The Financial Outlook
Fischel, London
Flageollet & Co
The Foreign & Colonial Investment Trust Company Ltd
G Harding & Sons
The Gas Light and Coke Company
The Globe
The Great Eastern Railway Company
Grindley & Co
The Grocer and Oil Trade Review
Gross, Sherwood & Heald Ltd
Guest, Keen & Nettlefolds Limited
H Clarkson & Co
The Hairdressers’ Chronicle
Harrisons & Crosfield Ltd
Herald of Peace and International Arbitration
Hodkinsons, Clarke & Ward
Holms & Hedderwick
Horace Marshall & Sons
Horncastle’s Ltd
Hospital Sunday Fund
Illustrated Catholic Missions
The Indian, Colonial & Foreign Engineer & Builder and Journal of Public Works
Institution of Electrical Engineers
The Ironmonger
James Budgett & Son
James I Fellows
Jeffrey & Co
John Heywood Ltd
Jordan & Sons Limited
The Journal of Commerce
Journal of Sanitary and Municipal Engineering
Justice of the Peace
Keen’s Mustard
Life and Work
The Limited Liability Review
Liverpool Post, Mercury and Echo
Lloyd's Weekly News
Lockwood, Whitlark & Co
London, Chatham and Dover Railway
London City Mission
London Commercial Record
London Corn Circular
London Daily Stock & Share List
London Transfer Office
Longmans (overprint on Rivingtons)
Macmillan & Co
Mallinson & Co
Manchester Guardian
Manchester, Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway Company
Marians and Priest
Midland Railways
The Mining Journal
The Missionary Herald
The Morning Post
Mr Murray
Naval and Military Gazette
Nestle, Andreae & Co
The New Zealand News
Newburn & Barker
Newman Smith & Newman
News Chronicle
North British & Mercantile Insurance Company
Notes and Queries
Oil & Colourman’s Journal
Old Calabar Dog Biscuits
Over-Seas League
P B Burgoyne & Co
 P B Cow & Co
Pawsons & Leafs
Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company
The People
Perry's Gazette
Plumbridge, Son & Co
Post Magazine and Insurance Monitor
Pottery Gazette
Powell & Sing
Practical Engineering
Price’s Palmitine Candles
Priest, Marians & Co Ltd
Priest, Marians, Bethell, Moss & Co Ltd
Protheroe & Morris
R Falconer
The Railway Times
Rand Mines Limited
Revista Del Mercado de Aillon, Aramayo y Cia
Rhymney Railway Company
Richard Bulman & Co
Royal Automobile Club Journal
The Royal Colonial Institute
The Royal Empire Society
The Royal Insurance Company, Liverpool
Rylands & Sons Limited
S Bewley & Co
Saarbach’s Newsagency

The Schoolmaster
The Schoolmaster and Woman Teacher's Chronicle
Shipping Gazette
Shipping Gazette & Lloyd’s List
The Sketch
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge
The Sphere
Spottiswoode & Co Ltd
Stamp Collecting
The Standard
The Stock Exchange Daily Official List
Stubbs Weekly Gazette
The Suffolk Chronicle
The Sunday Express
By Supplementary Mail
The Tablet
The Tatler
The Times
Under the Hammer Property Reports
Union Steam Ship Co
Vyse Sons & Co, London
W Bliss & Sons
W Parkinson & Co
W & C Pantin
W H Smith
Warwick & Sons
William Whiteley
Women’s Suffrage Journal
The Yorkshire Observer

"With the Compliments of the Bishop of Islington and the Bishop of Stepney"
Newspaper wrapper for the East London Church Fund Report impressed with a three halfpence stamp.

If you have any stamped to order newspaper wrappers, especially if you have any that are not listed here, I would be very interested to hear from you. You can contact me on jpkos @

© Jan Kosniowski 2011